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NEC Classic Car Show 2011
By: Ron Biggin
Gibraltar Trip
By: Rory
The Stig says nothing!
By: Rory Lynas
John O'Groats Visit
By: Rory Lynas
Ireland trip - Part 1
By: Rory Lynas
Ireland trip - Part 2
By: Rory Lynas
Early Bird 2023 Easter
By: Rory Lynas
Ireland trip - Part 2
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Day 7 (cont)
On route I realised the milometer had not moved for a while, it got stuck on 90009, the speed needle was all over the place too. Looks like I will have to use my sat nav for my mileage from this point on. Next stop Portrush and then onto a Campsite not too far from the Giants Causeway called Craig’s campsite (name of my youngest son), Very friendly owner not really a campsite but more of a large back garden for camping with an outhouse housing the kitchen area, toilets and showers, once set up we went to visit the Giants Causeway, now normally you pay £12 to park and you walk to it, but after 7pm parking becomes free. After getting to the bottom of the steep hill I notice some were driving to it, so back up the hill I went and fetched my Bug, so I could get a few good snaps of the Bug with the hexagonal shaped rocks in the background. Many other visitors that were there also took pictures of the Bug and once again I had to answer many questions about it. From there we went on into Ballycastle for food and then back to camp.

Day 8 - Tuesday 12th June 2018 - Giants Causeway - Belfast - Skerries (miles 170)
On site electric kettle meant we didn't have to use our gas for our morning cuppa. left the site at 10am and just down the road was our first stop, a cute little bay which was accessed by some sharp downhill u bends, the bay is where they filmed some scenes for The Game of Thrones, a place called Portbraden. A few nice comments about the Bug whilst there. We then headed to Belfast, but we took the scenic route and followed the coastline, following the roads known as the Causeway Coastal Route. Very nice too. As my milometer was duff, I now had no way of knowing when to fill up, the needle can show empty and I could still have 80 odd miles left in the tank, so to be on the safe side I filled up earlier than normal.

Once we hit Belfast there were traffic queues, we headed straight to the newly opened Titanic museum positioned on the very spot where it was constructed and launched. Using Stirling it was £15 for me and £18.50 for Trevor to get in. Lots of photos and films from the period of the ship being made. One section of the museum had survivors telling their story of that fateful day, another section was dedicated to the finding of the wreck. We had two hours in the museum and could easily have had another two or three, but Trevor had a plane to catch at 6pm. Managed to get a few snaps of the Bug outside the museum before heading to the Belfast City George Best Airport. We had a free ten minute drop off window to say our goodbyes which we did at 4.45pm. Just me now and once outside the exit barrier I set the sat nav for Skerries which is back in Ireland, just north of Dublin. Again, passed from Northern to Southern Ireland without a 'Welcome to Ireland' notice. You only know you have changed countries when yellow dashed lines mark the edges of the roads, and the road signs become yellow. About half hour before I got to Skerries around 7.30pm, I got a text from Trevor to say he had landed in Southampton. Just as I pulled up in Skerries Trev phoned me, to say thanks for the week and for me to enjoy the rest of my journey, also for me to check the weather as it is going to be turning windy in a day or twos time. With the Bug sat in a bus lay by I phoned my friend John McIntyre, who kindly said that he would put me up for the night, and within a couple of minutes we had met up at his place. About 8pm we went to a harbour pub and was duly entertained by a foursome (three violinists and a flute player) treating us to some proper Irish music. With the Bug on Johns drive, my bedroom overlooked the Bug and Irish Sea, a nice comfy double bed to end my nights in Ireland.
Day 9 - Wednesday 13th June 2018 - Skerries - Sandyford - Rosslare - Fishguard - Monmouth (miles 280)
John was addiment that his next door neighbours knew all about the Bug and its travels before I left, so he knocked on their door and Mom, Dad and three young 'uns came out and they were well impressed with the Euro Bug, gave away the last three Bug key rings that I had to the kids, which they were well chuffed with. Anyway, from John's I headed to Brendan’s at Sandyford, a quick trip around Dublin on the M50 and I was there. Brendan was sitting in his Bug as I pulled up. His etype was also on show with no cover and he kindly let me sit in it, trust me getting in and out a Bug is easier, lovely motor though. I followed Brendan in his Bug (fuel problem now fixed) to a local park which had a café. Over a cuppa & cake we chatted about my trip and he said I had been talked about on facebook and instagram and he said he would send me the links to them, he also said I had been very lucky with the weather as it usually rains in Ireland, true enough not once did I have to put the tent up or down in rain :). At the same park that afternoon Brendan had organized a classic car rally in aid of charity, unfortunately I could not attend as I needed to be in Rosslare by 4pm a good 100 miles away. He once again said he would kindly pay my M50 toll fee for me and after a short chat we said our goodbyes. I travelled back down the motorway to the N11 and after a short detour via Mizen Head on the East Coast, ended up going past the same place where I stopped for breakfast on the first day going up. As I had time I was going to do the coastal route down but unfortunately the coast road was way too bumpy to do such a long distance, so I re-joined the N11, stopping just once to fill up. Several people at that petrol station loved the Bug, asked many questions and took lots of photos. Straight to Rosslare and got there well in time for my 6pm departure, wind was starting to get up a bit and yes it was raining there. It was 138 miles from Skerries to Rosslare and I still have another 142 miles to do when I get to Fishguard at 9.45pm, wrote up to this bit whilst waiting for the ferry. From Fishguard to Monmouth it rained all the way, a couple of times I had to come off the M4 due to road works, arrived at Chris & Liz's at 12.45am and was tucked up in bed by 12.55am in a 5* luxury bed. Many thanks Chris & Liz for looking after my Pod and me.
By Rory Lynas
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